How to Make the Business Case for Your Podcast
Can you articulate exactly how and where a podcast can drive velocity across the customer journey—from awareness all the way to a signed contract? We got you.
Hi folks.
One of the biggest obstacles we hear from B2B marketers wanting to launch a podcast is “but how do I prove the ROI to my CFO?”
This makes TOTAL sense.
Why in the hell would any executive sign off on any new initiative in THIS economic climate? Gotta save those dollars, baby!
Well, we think there’s a pretty simple answer—you’re positioning it wrong?
Ask yourself these questions:
Have you got a clear sense of what success looks like? (psst. it’s 99.9% likely to not be downloads)
Can you articulate exactly how and where a podcast can drive velocity across the customer journey—from awareness all the way to a signed contract?
Do you have a vision on how to involve the sales team as a key stakeholder in the program to shore up its longevity?
If you answered “no” to any of these—then we have something for you.
Join us next Tuesday as we host our weekly Office Hours to unpack the question How to Make the Business Case for your Podcast.
Can’t make it? No problem. We’ll update this Substack article to the recording once it’s finished.
See you then.
- Jason