B2B Bite
B2B Better
🎙️ How Not To Write Boring Ass Copy w/ Hermione Wright

🎙️ How Not To Write Boring Ass Copy w/ Hermione Wright

Copy is the lifeblood of effective communication. But getting it right isn't easy. It can be daunting to sit down in front of a blank page and write something that compels a reader to take action.

And that's what we focus on in episode one of B2B Better.

I'm joined by Hermione Wright, Senior Writer and Founder, who has worked with everyone from Adobe to Siemens to Envato, to dive into how organizations can breathe life into their marketing copy, develop a consistent tone of voice, and sell this across the business as a point of differentiation.

This is real advice for the everyday B2B marketer who wants to be better.

Also check out my new weekly newsletter, The B2B Bite, where I break down marketing strategy and tactics for B2B leaders into fun-size, actionable chunks.

You can also follow me on Twitter at @JasonRBradwell. All my best stuff is on Twitter.

B2B Bite
B2B Better
B2B Better exists to help companies rethink the status quo on how they win new business. Each week, Jason sits down with experts to understand how marketing and sales is broken in their industry - and what they're doing to fix it.