B2B Bite
B2B Better
🎙️ LinkedIn's Clubhouse Clone... Could Be Kinda Good?

🎙️ LinkedIn's Clubhouse Clone... Could Be Kinda Good?

In this episode, I talk about why I'm cautiously hopeful of LinkedIn announcing its beta testing audio chatrooms. Yep.

I also share some reasons why marketers should be using audio in their content mix and some specific examples on how.

This is real advice for the everyday B2B marketer who wants to be better.

Also check out my new weekly newsletter, The B2B Bite, where I break down marketing strategy and tactics for B2B leaders into fun-size, actionable chunks.

You can also follow me on Twitter at @JasonRBradwell. All my best stuff is on Twitter.

B2B Bite
B2B Better
B2B Better exists to help companies rethink the status quo on how they win new business. Each week, Jason sits down with experts to understand how marketing and sales is broken in their industry - and what they're doing to fix it.